Sunday, April 20, 2008

Really, Mitt Romney?

Romney takes swipes at 'elitist' Obama
Posted: 05:00 PM ET

Romney had some sharp words for Obama.
(CNN) — In a sign he's comfortable playing the attack dog for John McCain's presidential campaign, Mitt Romney issued stinging criticisms of Barack Obama Friday, calling the Illinois senator a "quintessential politician."

"He, in the debate, made a number of promises that he cannot possibly deliver — populist approaches that sound good to the public but that are counter to the growth and strength of our economy and the well-being of our nation," Romney, who abandoned his own presidential bid in February, told the National Journal.

In an apparent reference to Obama's recent comments calling some small town Americans "bitter," Romney also said the Democratic presidential candidate has "subscribed fully to the kind of elitist view of America that has long characterized those of the most liberal persuasion in our country."

"So I think what's happening is that people are getting a better sense about Barack Obama," Romney continued. "They didn't know who he was… but now we're getting a better view of Barack Obama as the — not just the liberal, but the political liberal that he is."

Romney was a fierce critic of John McCain when the two were primary rivals, though he has since repeatedly praised McCain and indicated his willingness to serve as the Arizona senator's running mate.

I know Obama has taken alot of heat recently about the comments he made about working-class Americans being "bitter", but I really don't think Mitt Romney should be one to talk. Mitt Romney probably represents one of the most elitist backgrounds any recent presidential candidate has ever had. The guy's worth hundreds of millions of dollars. In addition to that, he invested tens of millions of dollars in advertising in many states where other top contenders put in only a fraction of that amount. Romney essentially tried to buy votes by using his own personal economic advantages. If that isn't elitist, then I really don't know what is.

Romney probably couldn't possibly be more out of touch with the American people. He's lived the life of a wealthy businessman and a wealthy politician. I almost wish he were in the race long enough to see him do something stupid like George Bush's stunned reaction to the grocery scanner, apparently having never seen one in his life before. Or Gerald Ford's kosher nightmare in New York when campaigning for re-election in 1976.

While I do acknowledge that this whole fiasco was a big slip-up on Obama's part, it's almost worse what the Republicans are doing by trying to throw the "elitist" label off of themselves and onto Obama. I guess the Republican leaders would never know that trickle-down economics or "Reaganomics" never worked for the lower class, since they were never a part of that class.

Wow, all of my posts sound so bitter. Unfortunately, I must say that the present state of things with this primary has driven me to this attitude.

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