Sunday, May 11, 2008

An Obama/Clinton Ticket?

Will there be an Obama/Clinton Democratic ticket in November? While I would hope so, others don't think it'll happen. I really think it would be a smart choice for Obama to pick Clinton for the Vice Presidential nomination. Many Hillary supporters say they will not support Obama if he becomes the Democratic nominee, and many Obama supporters say the same thing about Senator Clinton if she becomes the nominee. There are many states where Clinton is competitive with McCain in an electoral matchup for November while Obama does not come even close. There are also a number of other states where Obama is competitive with McCain but Clinton would not come close (I would imagine that race plays a significant factor here).
However, what if John McCain chooses, say, Condoleeza Rice as his running mate to run against a supposed Obama/Clinton "dream ticket?" He'd be killing two birds with one stone: not only is she a woman, but she's also an African-American. Both women and African-Americans tend to be strongholds for Democrats in terms of American political behavioral patterns, but how would Obama fare against this kind of Republican team? Gender and race are two very obvious and notably strong identities in American culture, and always have been for a variety of reasons including (but not limited to) the discrimination that each of these respective groups has faced throughout history. But at the same time, political party affiliations may also be very distinct identities for people.
Are we a nation subdivided and segregated to a greater degree by our political, ideologically motivated principles, or are we a nation that is sewn more closely together by the common struggles that each respective demographic group has faced whether by race, gender, socioeconomic status, or religion? I believe that it's a great recognition of social and political progress towards equality for us to even be asking these kinds of questions. However, with the possibility of both an African-American and a woman as either the Presidential or Vice-Presidential candidate for both parties in this election, will the recognition of race and gender help to further unite us as a nation or will the possibility of the nomination of a Republican woman/minority group member been used by the Republican party as an intended barrier to divide these constituent groups among the two parties?

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